Program of the II International Festival of Children and Youth Animated Film MultiMost fest, 27.9-9.10

Monday 27.9.
10.15 Opening of the festival, Elementary School “October 23” Sremski Karlovci
15.00-16.30 Screenings of competition films for children, Great Hall of the CCNS
Animation workshops at the “Bogdan Šuput” Secondary School

Tuesday 28.9.
9.30-12.00 Screenings of competitive films for youth, Great Hall of the CCNS
Animation workshops

Wednesday 29.9.
9.30-11.00 Screenings of competition films for children, Great Hall of CCNS
12. 00 Press conference, Kombank Hall, Belgrade
12.30 Opening of the exhibition “Veterans of Serbian Animation”, Kombank Hall, Belgrade

Thursday 30.9.
9.30-11.00 Screenings of competition films for children, Great Hall of CCNS
Animation workshops for students of the Academy on the topic “Animation – communication with the viewer through the creation of artistic images”, Sergey Strusovsky

Friday 1.10.
11.00-12.30 Make your own film – animation workshops for primary school students, Maria Chaika, online – via the application “Zoom”
15.00-16.30 Screenings of competitive films for youth, Great Hall of the CCNS
16.30-18.00 Animation in your phone – animation workshop for high school students, Sergey Strusovsky KCNS
17.00-18.40 Animation workshop at Karlovac High School

Saturday 2.10.
13.30-16.45 Screenings of films for members of the student jury, KS “Svilara”
19.00 Opening of the exhibition “Veterans of Serbian animation”, KS “Svilara”

Sunday 3.10.
11.00-12.30 Make your own film – animation workshops for primary school students, Maria Chaika, online – via the application “Zoom”
15.00-16.00 Film screenings for members of the youth jury, KS “Svilara”
16.00-17.00 Film screenings for members of the children’s jury, KS “Svilara”
International conference on “Film and animation in the context of general culture and teaching process”, online

Monday 4.10.
10.00 Closing ceremony of the festival and announcement of the winner, Great Hall of the CCNS
15.00 Screenings of winning films, KS “Svilara”

Saturday 9.10.
Professional-scientific conference on “Film and animation in the education system of Serbia”, Belgrade


To participate in animation workshops, it is necessary to register at tel. 0652042155 or e-mail